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Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to some of the questions you may have regarding Youth Restorative Action Project here. We’ve addressed some of the most common ones below, but if something isn’t clear feel free to contact us. We’ll be happy to assist you in any way possible.

  • Are there age requirements for volunteers?
    YRAP is run entirely by youth members between the ages of 16-24.
  • What kind of volunteer opportunities are available?
    There are plenty of volunteer opportunities available. Applicants can choose to be part of Panel Sessions, the Board, the Fundraising Committee, the Communications Committee, or work in our Drop-In programs. More information can be found here.
  • I have been approved to volunteer with YRAP. What happens after?
    If you have met all the requirements and your application has been approved. Volunteers must fill out a Police Check form and a Child Intervention Check form. They are required of everyone who wishes to join us. Once those are approved, volunteers must complete an Oath of Confidentiality with the Volunteer Coordinator. Dates and times will be set by the Volunteer Coordinator.
  • What is a panel and what do you do there?
    Panels provide the young person with an opportunity to share their voice in a safe environment while also considering how their actions may have affected the victim(s). Panels are run by volunteers who are trained to facilitate these sessions. The facilitators, the young person, and the victim(s) collaborate together to find ways in repairing the harm that was caused.
  • What happens if you don’t want to participate in our program/restorative justice?
    Participation in the programs is voluntary. The young person may stop participating at any time and their matters may be handled in other ways.
  • How long can you expect to be involved with the organization?
    Depending on the items agreed upon during the panel, the young person is encouraged to fully complete those items. However, participation in the program is voluntary and the young person can decide to stop participating at any time. Their matters may be handled in other ways.
  • Who is allowed to attend a panel?
    Panels are comprised of trained volunteers, the young person, and possibly the victim(s) of the offence.
  • What is Mentorship with YRAP?
    Youths are matched with a youth mentor who spends time with them and supports them through their court involvement and consequences. The role of the mentor may vary but generally, the young person is paired with someone of a similar age and of a positive influence. More information about our Mentorship program can be found here.
  • How often can you contact your mentor?
    Contact with the mentor varies and can be agreed upon between the mentor and mentee. Examples of this include: help with finding schools, help with community service hours, and being close support for them.
  • What is the Drop-In program?
    YRAP’s Drop-In for Youth is a weekly program where youth and volunteers interact with each other and have a good time. Activities are chosen by the youth at previous drop-ins and an art drop-in run by the Arts Coordinator.
  • Who can attend a Drop-In activity?
    Drop-In activities can be attended by the young persons who are part of our programs and any volunteers who may be interested. Details of the activity are usually posted on our social media pages.
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